Monday, January 28, 2013

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

We are close, and hopeful to move in the last week in February!!!  We can see the light at the end of the tunnel and ready to be home.  

Thunder, Wildflowers, Indian River, Stone Hearth, Nomadic Desert, Candy Green, White Dove, Shelburne Buff, Sassy Green, Smokey Taupe, Gloucester Sage and Roycroft Pewter.

That is the final list of paint colors I e-mailed to our painter last week and I am ready for a little color!!!  Currently, the the trim is primed white the walls are primed white and the paper protecting the floor is white.  The interior is a blank canvas ready for color and tomorrow is the big day!
For my next job, I want to be a color namer.  Who gets to do that for a living?

I let the girls pick their paint colors.  Grandpa Bill gave them new comforters for Christmas and the color choices came from their new comforters.

Here is Tori's room

And Izzy's room

Max insisted he did not need a new comforter and how can you argue with that?  I think he thought he'd get more toys from Grandpa.

Pete installed the cabinets in his office.

This is Pete's office.  He will install the crown molding after the room is painted.  He also built the counters and they will be stained ebony.  The open space is for a work surface at 30" above the floor (typical desk height).  The painters are also painting the ceiling Gloucester Sage.  

What I find interesting about this color is I painted the dining room ceiling in our old house this color and it caused a little argument between Pete and I.  He thought I was CRAZY to paint the ceiling a dark color.
Old Dining Room

A few years ago I redesigned our dining room and purchased this beautiful furniture from Liberty Square Furniture.   Not only did I paint the ceiling dark, the wainscot was a bronze metallic color.  I loved it!

 As I started picking paint colors for the new house he said to me, "would you paint my office ceiling the wet cement color like our old dining room?"  So wet cement color (Gloucester Sage) it is for his office, no argument this time!

Pete installed crown in our dining room.  Max was the official nail gun holder.

Pete also worked on the mantel and barn doors that will hide the TV.
 The recessed area will hold our TV.  We have been TV free since we moved into our rental house and I'm not sure how excited I am to have it back.

 The barn doors will hide the TV when it's not in use.

 It is almost finished it and will be painted white to match the trim.
Pete also made a piece that he can install on the mantel at Christmas time with hooks for stockings.  How he thinks of this stuff...

He's looking a little tired

I'm hoping to post pictures of our master bathroom tomorrow, tile and grout will be complete and the counter will be installed.  It is turning out perfect!

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