Thursday, September 20, 2012


A crane came Monday morning and set the trusses on the second story for installation later.  Lee our framer called to say the crane guy had a small opening that morning.  I quick went to school and picked up all three kids.  Unfortunately, we missed the crane, but we had lunch together at our house.   

I don't even want to know how Pete took this picture.  

The trench with gas and electric!

Getting power to our house was no easy task.  We started working with Consumers Energy in May trying to make sure we had power onsite for the framers.  Well, the first guy that gave us the quote no longer works for Consumers and the information we received about bringing power back 650 ft. was incorrect.  So, to make a long story short, it took way longer and way more $$$ to get the gas and electric to our site.  Our framer has framed this entire house thus far off a generator.  The last I knew it was costing us approximately $75 per week in gas to run the generator.  I didn't budget that in!  

They had to bring a primary power-line down our driveway and into this tranformer  box.  I wanted to be on site when they set the box to insure it was hidden behind this pine tree.  Tomorrow, our framer should be able to plug into the outlet in the garage!!!

I stopped on Centre Street and took this picture.  

Look what the excavator dug up!

Here is Lee, Jacob 
and Jerry up very high!
I get sick to my stomach just watching them way up there!  I wonder if Lee is wishing he never took this job?

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